Monday, June 20, 2016

Bone: Out From Boneville by Jeff Smith

In an attempt to grow our library's popular graphic novel section, I decided to sample a series we do not currently have. Jeff Smith's Bone books are about three cousins (Fone Bone, Phoney Bone, and Smiley Bone) who have been run out of Boneville and are on a quest to find their way back. At first I didn't think I could get past the odd fact that the main characters are animated bones. Also, I struggled to like or even care about Phoney Bone and Smiley Bone. However, thanks to my appreciation for Fone Bone and my determination to finish the book, I got drawn into the mysterious and adventurous plot. The turning point for me was when Thorn, the first human character and Bone's love interest, came on the scene. Because Jeff Smith leaves readers hanging at the end, I may very well read the next book in this oddly engaging graphic series.

I recommend Bone books to students who enjoy the graphic novel format and like reading fantasy adventures.

Caution: Do not read this book if evil rat-like characters who lurk in the dark woods or dragons who breathe fire give you nightmares.

by Mrs. N.

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